Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reception Time, Let's Party!

The fun thing about the way we did our wedding is we get to keep the celebration going! Now we are hot and heavy in the middle of planning our reception! Decorations, Tables, Menus, Song Lists! Whew, that last one was hard to. Which songs will be perfect for what?!?! The part I love planning the most (besides pretty much all of it)--decorating. Does that surprise anyone!?!

This weekend we'll finalize the decor and everything. I've got it pretty much thought out in my mind and have started working on some stuff. We are going to have couple awesome things! *lips sealed* You'll have to wait and see! But here's some decorations I've been working on:
of course still the pinks, and spring green like the ceremony!
So this post wasn't as "cool" as it was supposed to be since I decided 1/2 way through not to share all my ideas. I'll share "how to" later, like after the ceremony!
Other exciting news this week: our wedding video is in the mail! In case you didn't see the highlight video, here it is again (can you tell I'm excited!):

Sarah & Mathew's Wedding from Nathan Browning on Vimeo.

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